Category: 3.My articles

Dear all,

Here goes my latest article on Dukascopy.

This time I chose to write on a prominent subject that is the ” Trading daily time frame”. Here I discussed on matters like how one an keep his day job and still successfully trade the markets. I conclude that every one an trade markets using the daily time-frame irrespective of what they do as their vocation. Forex trading can be a great way of making substantial passive income. What do you say?

Let me know your opinion. Please hit like or share the article if you really like it.

Below is the link to my article.

Daily Time Frame – The time frame of one and all




Please find my latest article on Dukascopy .

I wrote on Confluence tarding and it always remains my favourite method of trading the markets due to its simplicity, incredible risk:reward factor and outstanding success rate.

Here is the link. Please post your frank opinions.

My latest article on Dukascopy ” Trading the confluence for building the fortunes”











Dear all,


Please find my latest article on Dukascopy . This time I wrote on a very important subject – Trading the retest. I am pretty sure that you are going to find it highly useful.

Please find the article Here





Dear Friends,

Please find my latest article here.




Dear all,


Here goes my fresh article dealing with a concept named as ” price corridor”. Further I have also dealt with fundamentals and technicals and how do they complement each other.

Here is the link to the article.





Dear friends,

Please read my latest article on Dukascopy Article Contest.Below is the link to full text of the article.

Dukascopy Fx community only Entry No Exit – Part-III





Dear all,

Please find my latest article on Dukascopy.

click Here to read the full text of the article.






Dear all,

Below is the short guide as to how you can support my article through  votes and rating.



Dear friends,

This month I have written article on how Dukascopy FX community works and its objectives. My intention is to make more people especially Traders , aware of this community and use it for our overall development as a trader. Hence I am touching most of the activities carried under this community i.e; Trader contest, Strategy contest and article contest and how they help in developing our skills not only as a trader but also as an individual in a community.

Current article is the first one in the series.

Also please note that, in case you like my article, you have the option of evaluating and rating my article through various options which I have detailed in the attachment above. please go through the same.

To read the full text of the article , please visit the following link.
Click Here to read the full text of the article.

Dear friends,

Please find my latest article. You are always welcome to leave your opinions.

Click below link to read the full text of the article.

De stressing the Stressful Trader – Part -V