4xraghav.wordpress.com is my new initiative and the objects of this blog are as follows:

  1. Educate beginners about Forex/Indian Stock Market trading.
  2. Unearth the simple techniques of Forex/Indian Stock Market trading.
  3. Invite and share new and innovative ideas and thoughts on Forex/Indian Stock Market trading.
  4. To share my Technical analysis and forecasts on a regular basis and more than that
  5. Make Forex/Stock Trading dead simple for every one around!!!!

About myself, I am Raghavendra Hegde from Bangalore and I have a deep passion for markets which resulted in learning Technical analysis by practical experience which involved 1000′s of hours of screen time and practice. This made me to realise that Trading is an art and science which has to be either learnt through a master in which case the learning phase is fast or through self practice and experimentation.

Here is a place where I will share what all I have learnt in the journey which will for sure make you highly interested.

I can be reached at raghavacc at gmail dot com.

I invite every one of you to come and join my blog and share all your ideas and thoughts.